And of course, Torties are known for their tri. Torbies, short for Tortoiseshell/Tabby, look like Torties - but they have stripes. Tabbies have a legendary M on their head, while Calicos are mostly white with a few patches of orange and black.

Tortoiseshell markings appear in many different breeds, as well as in non-purebred domestic cats. Now, you can easily tell the difference between Tabby cats, Torties, Torbies, and Calico cats. Tortie cats with a predominantly white undercoat are often referred to as "caliby", a portmanteau of "calico" and "tabby". Ĭats with a tortoiseshell pattern and small blotches of white are sometimes referred to as "tortico", a portmanteau of "tortie" and "calico".

Those that are predominantly white with tortoiseshell patches are described as tricolor, tortoiseshell-and-white (in the United Kingdom), or calico (in Canada and the United States). "Tortoiseshell" is typically reserved for particolored cats with relatively small or no white markings. Tortoiseshell cats with the tabby pattern as one of their colors are sometimes referred to as torbies or torbie cats. Occasionally Tabby Cat patterns of eumelanin and pheomelanistic colours are also. The colors are often described as red and black, but the "red" patches can instead be orange, yellow, or cream, and the "black" can instead be chocolate, gray, tabby, or blue. Tortoiseshell (also known as tortie) describes a type of cat coloration. And of course, Torties are known for their tri-colored Tortoiseshell pattern. They are also sometimes called tortoiseshell tabbies, striped stories and patched tortie or tabby. Torbies, short for Tortoiseshell/Tabby, look like Torties - but they have stripes. Tortoiseshell cats, or torties, combine two colors other than white, either closely mixed or in larger patches. Torbie cats are characterized by speckles of black and red fur in a tabby pattern which makes it very easy to differentiate them from other tabby and tortoiseshell cats. A torbie is a cat that has the coloration of a tabby, but with patches of red or orange. They are also sometimes called tortoiseshell tabbies, striped stories and patched tortie or tabby. Two-color coat coloring in cats Short-haired tortoiseshell cat exhibiting chimerism Resources What Is a Torbie Cat A torbie is a cat that has the coloration of a tabby, but with patches of red or orange.